Letchworth State Park (NY) - Finger Lakes Trail
The Letchworth branch of the Finger Lakes Trail is a point to point trail, easily accessible from a variety of locations. At 22 miles, it is possible to tackle in one day, but two shelters along the trail also allow for a moderately-paced two day trip or relaxed three day trip. The trail follows yellow blazes along gently rolling terrain, with short, steeper inclines cutting switchbacks across narrow ravines.
This trail offers year-round attractions, from mountain biking to cross country skiing, and while summer shows off the lush foliage common to western New York's hardwood forests, our fall trip afforded comfortable temperatures and unrestricted views of the gorge.
Starting at the southern end on day one, we were able to capture some of the beauty of the falls. Our footfalls were crisp across the dry leaves, indulging a consistent serenity to our progress. We built a fire and felt its warmth as we listened to coyotes howl and watched porch lights flicker across the gorge. On day two, while poor planning and poor weather may have put the kibosh on our intended filming at the north end of the trail and Mt Morris Dam, it didn't stop us from catching some great views of the terrain and its local resident bald eagles.
Digital and Waterproof Maps, as well as mile-by-mile information on the branch trail, is available at FingerLakesTrail.org. Purchases help support the continued stewardship of the 500+ mile Finger Lakes Trail system, and access to the national network of trails it helps connect.
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